6 Things to Consider If You Have No Hot Water in Your Home

Sep 13, 2022

When you turn on the tap or the shower, you expect hot water to come out. Finding out you have no hot water and have to take a cold shower before you go to work can be unpleasant in more ways than one. In addition to the shock of the ice cold water, you might also start to worry about the energy efficiency of your water heater or if you have a dangerous gas leak. Before you let your mind go to the worst case scenarios, rest assured there are different reasons as to why there is no hot water in your home. Here are some common reasons for water problems and how to fix them.

Leaking Tank

In order for a water heater to do its job, there has to be water in the tank. If there's no hot water, it's likely the tank is leaking somewhere. An empty tank is a serious problem and is NOT energy efficient. Check the appliance and its valves as well as the pipes. If those are secure, check the tank's compartment. If there is water in the compartment, it's time to replace the appliance.

Failing Gas Valve

Those who have a gas water heater and have no hot water should check the appliance's supply line. If there are no leaks, then the next call of action is to a look at the gas valve. It must be secure and in the correct place. Then, you must check that the gas is on in the first place. If the gas valve is good to go, then must investigate the pilot light. It is possible you may need to re-light the pilot several times. If it doesn't stay lit, the gas line could be the culprit. When none of these steps deliver hot water in as short as an hour, it may be time to invest in a new water heater. To be sure, simply call the professionals and they will inform you on what you need to do.

Gas Leak

A gas leak coming from your water heater is both inconvenient and incredibly dangerous. If you suspect that gas is leaking, call your gas company as soon as possible. The gas company's technician is a professional, but their focus is not to repair the hot water heater. The next steps depend on his assessment of the appliance. If there is a natural gas leak, the gas company will work on solutions in their specialties. If there's no gas leak, the journey to finding the problem continues.

Electric Water Heater Malfunction

If your home has no hot water, turn off the heater first. Then, reset the circuit breaker. If the breaker has tripped, your home will receive hot water again after about an hour. If the circuit breaker continues to trip, that is a bad sign and you'll need to hit the reset button as soon as possible. If there is still an issue after you've done this, call a qualified electrician.

Malfunctioning Thermostat

In order for a water heater to produce hot water and be as energy efficient as possible, the thermostat must be set between 122 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit. If there's no hot water or the supply is not adequate enough, check the thermostat. If the thermostat isn't working, it should be replaced.

Tank Size

The size of your hot water tank could be the reasn why you have no or very little hot water in your home. If your tank is too small, your home is going to run out of hot water much faster. Yes, maybe the appliance did its job when it was just you and your partner but now you have a family, the demand for hot water has grown. This means it's time for a larger hot water tank.

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